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Jacques Lob

average ratings=7,6 / 10

Cast=Jamie Bell

Countries=South Korea

runtime=2h, 6 Min

release Date=2013

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Dude seriously we already got the original movie we do not need a TV show remake and also the movie was way much more better than this.
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Well, I already know the plot by watching the trailer.
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Nice voice Chris Evans. Sounds like his character in Scott Pilgrim.
Eminem just got cancer after hearing that rap.
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0:42 It was at the moment they knew, they fvck up my fvrt movie BTW.
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Im big fan of the ideology of the movie. I might give the series a shot but a trailer like this showed more details than needed.

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This movie is a quite unique portrayal of the mysterious future that we often love to predict and draw. In this movie, ice age comes in again and freezes the Earth, leaving just a single lane and train that goes around the whole world. In the train, there is still a division between ‘classes’ like societies always had had, and of course, the poorest people are treated like slaves. The setting of the movie is not realistic at all and can be assumed to just be representative of certain aspects of the society. However, watching the unique setting of different carts of the train is very amusing. There are carts for entertainment, for leisure, for food, for education, etc. It’s very appealing visually. Also, the movie carries the important message of how greed kills and how one must fight for their own rights. It’s also a great movie for action or thriller. The ending is a little unexpected, but it provides hope for the future. Overall, it was an entertaining movie, but not necessarily very realistic or touching.

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And not one mention of it being a sequel to Willy Wonka. Hmm… 🤔.
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Gets to the engine room: Oh THAT’S an engine.
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Who else thought he was from “El Senior de los cielos”.
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Funnily enough the tail section looks like a Soviet style factory.
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I knew he would remove sins at the part where they shoot each other from the opposite side of the train.
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